Aera smart contracts vs. the Aera Product
The Aera smart contracts may fit into a broader offering that includes some of the following:
On-boarding support (including discussion on objective function and asset selection)
The Aera front-end (the primary interface for accessing Aera)
Selection and recruitment of one or several vault guardians
Additional back-end services like arbitrage agents, options brokers, etc.
Client-specific economic simulations of the Aera platform.
Within that broader system, the goals of Aera V2 smart contracts are to:
Provide a means of custody for client treasury funds
Expose an interface for vault guardians to suggest operations
Offer control over the whitelisted set of assets and their configuration
Protect the vault from short term loss due to guardian error and prevent unauthorized cals
Be compatible with a wide-array of objective functions and assets.
Differences between Version 2 and Version 1
The high-level differences (to be described below) between V2 and V1 include:
An independent vault (custody) contract
Enabling direct deposits / withdrawals without an oracle price-check
Execution moves off chain
Instead of submitting parameters, guardians now submit operations which are executed in sequence and checked
A hooks module
Introduced to constrain execution but also can support additional event-based actions on vaults
An independent asset registry
Allowing asset types to be added/removed after vault creation
Allowing price oracles to be configured for each asset independent of custody
No more withdrawal validator contract
Simplified finalization
Last updated